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remind yourself of the good stuff – out loud!

What do you do for yourself on days that seem bleak?

When the outside view is wintry and you’re dreaming of spring… you can buy yourself flowers.

When your team’s performance is down… you can pick yourself up, by reminding yourself of the good stuff – out loud!

option 1: to yourself
> if you feel weird saying good stuff out loud (because it hasn’t been a habit you’ve previously cultivated) start in your car, alone, on your way out of the parking lot saying THREE good things about your career.

option 2: with a good things accountability partner
> at the end of each work day I talk with my friend (and good things accountability partner) Mike – we each have to come up with ONE good thing that happened that day. Some days it feels effortless – before lunch I have something to share… other days it’s tough and while we are talking I have to sort through my shit show of a day to find ONE good thing that Mike agrees qualifies.

option 3: with your team
> on those months that are tough take the time to pull one good thing about each member of your team… something good you caught them doing and share them on a card with the person – then in your team meeting make them each read their good thing out loud.

We take the blame for everything that goes wrong – this is a suggestion to also take the blame for everything that goes right.

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