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Are you sitting there waiting?

Here is the next October post dedicated to the little things inside salespeople do – to themselves – without noticing!

Phone Download 028Are you sitting there waiting?

Inside sales productivity isn’t killed by wasting hours at a time, or even 30 minute increments. Rather, it is wasted a few minutes at a time.

* reaching someone who says “I’ll call you right back”
* emotionally needing an immediate answer from your internal resources
* sharing with your cube-mates about that AWESOME call you just got off.
* and at times sharing with your cube-mates about that AWFUL call you just got off.
* waiting on that PO that should be there

and there you sit, waiting

When I was a manager I would wander down the isle and ask “is that making you any money?” – yes I could see you roll your eyes at me, because that is what my team did after I was past them. Funny though, the people who got the most upset at the question, typically, were the ones who were wasting the most time.

hmmmm…. what if you picked a question to ask yourself – that gets to the root of what you’re trying to accomplish AND will remind you how precious time is.

Waiting doesn’t help, take action!

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