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3 Ah-ha Moments about Neuroscience and Sales Leadership!

I attended Christine Comaford‘s webinar Influence ANY Outcome: Using Neuroscience to Sell Better, Lead Better, Market Better last week. I love learning new things and Christine’s ability to make neuroscience not seem so scary was amazing.

Here are three ah-ha thoughts for you to consider when communicating with your team this week:

Safety + Belonging + Mattering = TRUST

Do the people on my team trust me?
* Safety – “I’ve got your back” is something that is important for each salesperson to know. Of course, just using those words doesn’t work – you have to demonstrate that it’s true too.
* Belonging – “I’m so glad you’re on the team” make sure you are taking action to create an environment where everyone believes they are welcome.
* Mattering – “you’re my top pick” no one wants to be the last person picked for the kick ball game. Figure out what each individual salesperson’s contribution does for your team AND let them know you appreciate them.

3 influencing phrases

* I need your help… In sales, “I need your help” is a technique we use with prospects & customers, when is the last time you used it with the people who work for you?
* What if… (step back & listen) Fantastic phrase to pull someone into the world of possibilities. Because it sounds less definite, the salesperson you’re working with may be less defensive about the gap between what they do and what you want.
* Would it be helpful if… (makes it a suggestion that can be edited by the other person) Here is a great phrase to begin a collaborate conversation. Opening up a dialog that moves toward a solution, change, or modification to how someone works today.

90% of our behavior & decision are driven by our emotional brain

* Pathways from emotional brain to intellect – super highway
* Intellect to emotional brain – little path through the forest

To be effective as a leader, you have to appeal to the persons emotional brain. Making sure they have feelings of: safetybelonging meaning

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