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Are you asking for what you want?

Perhaps it is because the holiday season is upon us, but today I’m thinking about asking for what we want. I’m not really talking about gifts but they are a great example!

I was having a conversation with one of my nieces and the subject came up (shocking). Of course times have changed since I was a kid… she pulled out her phone and brought up pictures of things she is hoping to get for Christmas.

I asked if she was showing everyone the same pictures and was going to end up with a family of yellow Furbies (I wonder if that is actually the plural of Furby…never mind).

Her response “Aunt Lynn don’t be silly, I have different lists for different people, depending on what I think they’d get me.”

Huh! She was offering each person a choice of the things she wanted, while taking into consideration what was realistic.

Here are three different ways that relates to sales!

#1 Are you asking for what you want?

#2 Do you have different requests for people depending on their role, interest, priorities?

#3 Based on where you are in the sales process, is what you’re asking for realistic for that person to give you?

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