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Time & Attitude are yours to control

Back in October, I published Top 5 #InsideSales Leadership Tips (for my 50th) and someone has now asked me to expand on each concept… which would make for a REALLY long blog post. Instead; over the next 5 weeks, you’ll learn more about each topic!

ATTITUDE: I’m a firm believer in the Attitude by Charles Swindoll. I believe it is critical to success and that we get to choose ours (granted some people and days make it harder than others).

Not only does attitude choice take belief, it also takes mindfulness.

Other than when we are triggered by something or someone, attitude degradation is more common over the course of the day vs. flying off the handle or instant discouragement.

Make sure you create an attitude check habit.

Mine is 5 times a day – the check only takes seconds, if my attitude needs adjusting that will take more energy and effort.
> before I get out of bed
> midmorning
> lunch time
> midafternoon
> before I stop and go to my non-work life

I noticed last week that although I did my checks… I didn’t put in the energy and effort I typically do to bring myself UP. That means by the end of the day, I had lost control of my attitude. Which made managing my time a bigger challenge too.

The good news is I am in complete control and can (and will) change that moving forward.

TIME: Is a finite resource. Don’t let it get away from you, control how you spend it.

Time is a lot like money for me; it can be easy to waste in small increments.

$5 on coffee on your way to work… turns into $10 when someone asks if you’d like them to pick you up one on their way back from an appointment… becomes $50 each week.

5 minutes checking facebook can turn into 15… 15 minutes x2 daily becomes 2 1/2 hours wasted each week.

Make sure you use inclusive time where you limit a particular activity to a set amount.
> research on something; set up 15, 30, 60 minutes whatever is appropriate BUT if you aren’t done, move on anyway. Then choose what makes business sense.
> team meetings; don’t let them drag on and digress into chatter. Set a SHORT amount of time that will cover the important topics and then get back to other things.

Also use exclusive time to BURSTfocus your way to higher productivity. The human brain can NOT multitask. Pick blocks of time to focus on a single mission.

Remember; Time & Attitude are yours to control!

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