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Earth Day & Inside Sales?

What does Earth Day have to do with sales leadership you ask? (I’m so glad you did!)

LittleMcKenzie 011“Earth Day 1970 achieved a rare political alignment, enlisting support from Republicans and Democrats, rich and poor, city slickers and farmers, tycoons and labor leaders.” from

When you look at your team are you all aligned?

1 – do you have team objectives that build up to your organization’s goals?
2 – are the goals your salespeople are setting for themselves helping achieve your team’s goals?
3 – is what your customers are trying to achieve in their businesses aligned with your salespeople’s vision?

and MOST important is the exact opposite of question #3….on an individual, team, and organization level are you aligned with helping your customers (and prospects) achieve their goals?

2012 Cruise 105Enlisting Support
Do you make sure the team has the resources they need?

1 – are you working to change any organizational roadblocks in the way of sales success?
2 – do you coach and mentor the salespeople on your team to move past the ‘inside stuff’ that gets in their way?
3 – is training available to your team to both add AND improve their sales skill sets?

and MOST importantly can your salespeople, team, and organization be a valuable success resource to your prospects and customers?

Earth day is still around over 40 years later because the people who believe in the cause that started it, didn’t walk away after the 1st event. They continued to make sure that their vision is aligned with the world, that they move the cause forward, increase their base of support, and have the right resources available.

Every time you make a decision for your sales team, make sure you are aligned AND have the resources you need for success – that is what will help you have a long term successful career as well.

Earth Day Bonus: inside sales certainly could be said to cut down on the environmental impact of sales! Yeah Inside Sales & Happy Earth Day.

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