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Take the controls: look inward to measure success

Here we are on April Fools Day – I must share the most foolish thing that I believe people do:

Measure Their Success by looking at Outward Appearance of Others

I was at a conference where a speaker shared a fantastic example, as it isn’t my story I’m making it more generic – but the point is still there:

As a woman was being inducted into the Hall of Fame for her profession, tens of thousands of adoring fans came to see her speak. She was beautiful, perfectly dressed, and articulate. The speech went off without a glitch and inspired the entire audience.

She talked of her effort, the struggles and failures, her passion was evident, her compelling style brought people to tears, laughter – and in the end to their feet.

As she was given her well deserved standing ovation, her husband and children joined her on the stage. The crowd went wild.

Once back stage, she looked at her mentor

and asked

“Did I do ok?”

Every person has their own strengths and weaknesses – most of us keep them inside our private self and don’t show them to the world. Instead we pick and choose the skill for any given situation that will work for us… right then.

So when you are looking at what appears to be success from the outside – remember there is a lot hidden underneath.  Like an iceberg – only 1/8 is visible above the surface.

  • Instead: look to your own definition of success and decide if you are who & where you want to be.
  • Instead: of waiting for other people to applaud you, applaud yourself for each win – no matter how small – that moves you forward.
  • Instead: of holding up a person as the “ideal” create a list of ideal characteristics that you would like to work on.
  • Instead: look inward to measure your success

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