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When does preparation become procrastination?

Have you ever sat at your desk, staring at the computer screen, your next call information up and ready to go? You have your topic…. you have your opening line if they answer…. you know what you will say if you get their voicemail….

Now really all you’re doing is replaying it over & over in your head. Thinking that the replay will allow you to find the one little possible mistake you missed the last zillion times you thought about what you wanted to say.

That is what a salesperson I know was doing… wait before I tell you the story here is the best sales quote EVER! “don’t worry about what you are going to leave on voicemail because you may be hit in the head by a flying screaming monkey.”

After spending 5 minutes or so, staring at the computer screen – wishing/praying that what she had created to say would work, she began to leave her voicemail (because of course the prospect didn’t answer) as a flying screaming monkey was shot off near by. Never one to overreact she said “and if you want to know what that was call me back” and continued on.

Hearing that one of her coworkers, in the gray cubes of love, flung another flying screaming monkey in her direction…. with such bad aim – it hit her in the head, knocking off her headset. How she continued and finished the message I’ll never know, but she did (talk about keeping your composure)!

Rightfully angry (in the moment) she blurted out that she had been worrying about what to say on the phone but the lesson she learned was “don’t worry about what you are going to leave on voicemail because you may be hit in the head by a flying screaming monkey.”

What do you do to make sure your call preparation doesn’t become procrastination?

ps: the prospect called her back and said if she could keep her composure through that – he figured it was worth trying her out as a vendor.

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